6TH Learning Teaching Training  ACTIVITY -VIRTUAL MOBILITY 

ORGANIZED  by the :   Szkola Podstawowa nr 28 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi  In LUBLIN,  POLAND 

Szkola Podstawowa nr 28 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi, organized the 6th Virtual LTT activity of our project. 

                                         17th -21st  May 2021

Due to Covid-19 special conditions, we decided to have a virtual mobility instead of a physical one. This gave the opportunity to more students and teachers from each school to participate. Our students, participated with eagerness and anticipation and the outcome was really amazing. 
All this of course thanks to the excellent oraganization of the Polish School. We, all 6 schools, did our best to make the most of it!

From our school, the 11th school of Alexandroupoli, 40 students and 6 teachers took part in the 5 days program. All of the teachers belonged to the Log in Nature-Erasmus+ pedagogical team and all of the 40 students belonged to the target-group of the program. 
The students were divided into ten groups and worked from their group computer in the School Assembly Hall. The supervisor-host of each group was a teacher from all six countries of the project. The local teachers assisted the students in their work.

You can see the official timetable of the meeting here:  https://www.slideshare.net/secret/jKFNumwf6hYwOS

ERASMUS+ Log in Nature -

17 - 21 May 2021

Taste the Lublin region

MONDAY 17th May 2021

  • In the beginning, we were introduced to the meeting of the virtual mobility community. (approx. 60 minutes). 
  •  The polish team presented their city via a "bicycle ride around Lublin"(online);
  • During the Opening of the mobility, the polish team welcomed all the participants. Each country prepared  a short 3-minute presentation of their team.
  • The Polish team welcomed us to their school.
  • The Polish School headteacher, MrsKwiatkowska talked to all of us about their school and Erasmus+ projects. 
  • Then, we attended a School presentation by means of a virtual Walk
  • A short discussion about what we  enjoyed most about their city.
  • MEETINGS IN INTERNATIONAL GROUPS : Spring team-buildingactivities

Teachers lead the meeting according to a script provided in advance (scenario 1).

Pupils presented their previously prepared photographic documentation of spring (trees, flowers, animals) and briefly described them. They introduce appropriate names of plants, animale, etc. in English and their native language and taught  new vocabulary to the other participants.

Students were devided  into smaller groups, every group had got  a different link in order to connect and take part. 

Then, the day-to-day activities are presented

Creation of puppets with natural material to be used for the theatrical play. The students improvised a short theatrical play insprired by Nature and presented it. (Friday 21st May)

We worked with scenario 1, provided by the Polish school.


Scenario 1 – MONDAY 17th May 


Spring team-building activities

Let’s introduce ourselves

The teacher says his/her name and add some more information (where is he from, favorite color animal) – something very, very simple to warm up the meeting, E.g.

My name is Joanna, I am from Poland, My favorite color is red and my favorite animals are cats.

The students follow the pattern and introduce themselves. Cameras should be rather on.

Activity "Spring in our countries".

Pupils present a photographic documentation of spring (trees, flowers, animals) and describe them briefly. Students introduce proper names of the photographed items in English and their national languages and teach new vocabulary to the other participants.

Take a look at the Greek presentation here:


Activity "Unfinished sentences”

The teacher starts the -the sentence, and he calls the students to finish it.

Eg. Marco………

If I could go wherever I want, I would choose ...

The name of my city/village is …

I would like to...

I feel sad when ...

The most important thing about a friend is ...

The colour of my eyes is …

I want to laugh when ...

My favorite season of the year is …

In the future I want to be ….

My favourite subject at school is …

The worst subject at school for me is …

My favourite ice-cream flavour is …

I feel happy when…

I hate…

My shoe number is ….

My favourite day of the week is …

My dream is …

Last year I went …

During my computer time I usually…

My favourite sport activity is …

Activity "What connects us"

Teacher or say the sentence:

Rise your hand if you (it can be done not in the camera but by using “the hand” button in the communicator):

Have been to Romania!

Have Slept in the forest!

Have blue/green/brown eyes!

Have been to Portugal!

Have swum in the river!

Have been to Poland!

Like chocolate!

Hate spiders!

Have a brother!

Have been to Greece!

Have a sister!

Have been to Italy!

Have been to Latvia!

Have sung in public!

Have read “Harry Potter” book!

Celebrate Halloween!

Like doughnuts!

Have seen a wild animal!

Have baked a cake by yourself!

If the teacher noticed that the group is opened and not afraid to talk you can ask students to think of more things which connect them (students can propose their own sentences)


TUESDAY 18th MAY 2021

Firstly, there was a MEETING OF THE VIRTUAL MOBILITY COMMUNITY (approx. 60 minutes)

We presented our National parks and natural attractions of our surroundings and our countries.

·       Presentation of the nearby national parks (national groups)

 Each school had to prepare a SHORT MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION (about 10 slides in Power Point) about the national park that is located near their institution (why the nearest park? - because it should be the most familiar to pupils)

Each presentation was preceded by a contour map of the country with all the national parks marked and the park presented clearly highlighted, so that all participants could see what we were talking about. 

Take a look at the Greek presentation here:

MEETINGS IN INTERNATIONAL GROUPS (up to 15/20 people per group)

approx. 30-45 minutes

Students divided into international groups talked about their local environment. Each school had 10 minutes for the presentation.

Take a look at the Greek presentation here:

Teachers lead the meeting according to a script provided in advance (scenario 2).


Scenario 2 – TUESDAY 18th May 11:30 

In each group there are representatives from 6 schools. Each school has 10 minutes to present previously prepared materials (slides, photos or drawings...)


The group leader coordinates the work of the students, asking them to provide information
on 4 topics:

- The most interesting animal species (5-6) in my country are.......

- Rare native plant species (5-6) involve........

- The forms of nature protection in my country are .....

- I think that in my country it is worth seeing ........ (natural object)
- What are the most interesting places for naturalists?)


Each country had prepared some materials in advance (slides, photographs, drawings...).and presented :

-The most interesting  animal species (5-6) in their country

-Rare local plant species (5-6)

-Forms of  nature conservation in their country 

-What they believe it is worth seeing in their country /an interesting place for a naturalist.


We attended a Virtual campfire performed by the Polish School.

Afternoon Activity: Each country presented an artistic creation inspired by the forest (local activity P16) and sang /presented one song about nature

Work with scenario 2 provided by the Polish school. 

                                               WEDNESDAY 19TH MAY 2021

Artistic work inspired by nature - online workshop

 A painting workshop was carried out by the artist, Mrs Barbara Bartnik. 

After the workshop the participants presented  their works. The works were sent online to the artist. A committee and participants selected the best works. The winners received prizes.


                                             THURSDAY 20TH MAY 2021


The Polish team presented a special children recreation area they have in Lublin which is called  "The reserve of wild children"


 We worked with SCENARIO 3 under the topic "May meadow in our home medical kits"

The students were divided into groups, worked on their computers and did reseach about certain aromatic and therapetic plants. They worked according to scenario 3 provided by the polish school. They fill in their findings on their worksheets, reported and presented them.

 Then we had the activity "Tour of the school garden" - Presentation of the school garden (local activity P18)

Preparation of a film/presentation; "Presentation of five garden plants"

Each member of the tour briefly presented a plant of their choice using Latin, English and national  names. They talked about the plant's possible healing or ornamental purposes. 


LESSON SCENARIO- 20th May 2021

„May meadow in our home medical kits.“


1.      Divide the pupils into 6 groups. (It is suggested that in each group there should be at least 2 students from each country and 1 teacher). Choose a person (leader) from each team to lead the debriefing part.

2.      Each group gets the name of one plant (herb) (Appendix 1).

Using atlases, herbariums, herbal books, students search for information about the given plant and its healing properties. (It was advisable to introduce vocabulary in English, Latin and local languages).

On this basis, each group completes an information sheet)- Appendix 2)

(At this stage we work on the local level).

 Appendix 1

Latin name

English name

Local name

Mentha × piperita




Latin name

English name

Local name

Taraxacum officinale




Latin name

English name

Local name

Plantago lanceolata




Latin name

English name

Local name

Matricaria chamomilla




Latin name

English name

Local name

Salvia officina

Medicinal sage



Latin name

English name

Local name

Urtica dioica

common nettle



This is an example from the Polish organizers about how the activity works

Appendix (1) for Polish students


Latin name

English name

Local name

Mentha × piperita




Latin name

English name

Local name

Taraxacum officinale


Mniszek lekarski


Latin name

English name

Local name

Plantago lanceolata


Babka lancetowata


Latin name

English name

Local name

Matricaria chamomilla


RUMIANEK pospolity


Latin name

English name

Local name

Salvia officina

Medicinal sage

Szałwia lekarska


Latin name

English name

Local name

Urtica dioica

common nettle

Pokrzywa zwyczajna



Appendix 2

Name of the herb: …….....................................................................................

Healing properties:

 …….......................................................................................................... …….......................................................................................................... ……..........................................................................................................

-       Attached photo


3.      The task to be completed in each country: (filling in the table together - Appendix 3)

The students meet together after 15 minutes. The leader collects all the answers and fills in the table together with the children.          
(Appendix 3)


Appendix 3

Health problem

Herbs used

stomach ache, fatigue, headaches


skin irritation


sleep disorders, irritability


sore throat


cleansing the body of toxins, cough relief


anaemia, colds, flu


4. Concluding part - each country presents the collected information. This stage is led by the teacher from Poland.



                                                        FRIDAY 21st MAY 2021.......................................................

What does nature want to tell us?

Theatrical performances consisting of short recordings of scenes in the spirit of Moss and Fern Tales.

All schools had collected in advance the following materials: cones, shells, bark, moss, leaves, flowers, stones, sticks, etc., which they needed to make puppets.

The basic instructions were:

1.         Collect in advance the following materials: cones, shells, bark, moss, leaves, flowers, stones, sticks, etc.

2. make puppets, i.e. actors,  from the materials you have collected.

3.         Learn to move the puppet.

4.         Prepare a background and scenery for the videos (outdoor landscape, potted plants, bouquet of flowers, background painted with crayons or paints, etc.)

5.         Prepare a  short speech in English on the following topic: What does nature say to  us that encourages us to be good to it? Why is it good to be close to nature? What do the puppet characters in the play think about people?

6.         Rehearse theatre  scenes, saying lines loudly and clearly.

7.         Give a title to the video on the first slide. Provide details of your school and country.

8.         Name the actors in the credits on the last slide.

9.         Make short videos with your phone.

10.       You can also add background music.

11.   Send all the footage to the group leader who will put together a video of approximately 2.5 minutes.

12.       Apply the technical possibilities available to you.

13.       You have 3 hours to finish work.

14.       This will be followed by a presentation of the films of all the partner schools.

15.       Have fun playing theatre.

All theatrical performances were presented to all participants

The best works made at artistic workshops were given a prize



Finally, there was a CLOSING CEREMONY where we all said goodbye to each other with the hope to meet again. 

Thank you Poland for an amazing and unforgetable meeting!!!!

This thought and wish came true. we were announced that is going to be one more virtual meeting for 5 more days! We are all excited!!!


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